Meet Our Directress
Montessori Learning Center
An Open Letter From Miss Ali, the Directress of the Montessori Learning Center
Dear Seeker, reader, parent,
I have been much like many of you in many ways. I wanted the best for my children from the start. I knew that "being smart" was important, whatever that meant.
I was raised on a small farm in Texas and believed that education was important. I always took learning very seriously, which was easy because I enjoyed learning. I have been an avid reader since I was very young, and the many concepts I have learned through the books I have devoured over the years have been the greatest gift I could have ever given myself.
If one becomes educated, then doors open to them that are closed otherwise. One needs to know many things in life in order to have a good life. And that is what I wanted for my children: the good life, just as you do. We want success for our children in every facet of life, don't we?
So, like you, I began to search for the best education for them. Through reading and research, I found what seemed the best: the Montessori Way. Why? It sets up children to learn "how they learn best," the proof was evident in watching what happened to the children I observed in Montessori schools. They were intelligent, growth-seeking students with self-control, a desire and love of learning, and the inner discipline to do so.
So, with those things firmly in place, I opened my first Montessori school in Lubbock, Texas, in 1977! I relocated to Utah in 1979 and opened my second school in 1981. Over the years, I have seen many students come and go. Without a doubt, children do learn in this way! Without a doubt, the children whose parents are highly involved and evolving, growing, and involved with their children's education do their best! If you could see what I have seen over the years, both regarding my children and with other parents' children, you would know this to be true.
You would also know that this method produces results that are observable, definable, and worthwhile! You would know that this method works for all children because you would have seen it do so. And, yes, as I stated, you would notice that the most significant gains came to those children whose parents were actively involved. The proof has been "in the pudding," so to speak.
I invite you to look deeper into this type of education. I think you will find the facts for yourself. I invite you to join me in this grand adventure of giving the children of this world, yours and mine, the best. Montessori defined it that way.
My passion has always been to know and live my heart. My passion is learning. I read every moment that I can, anything that will enlighten me, teach me, and lead me to my next step. I read things that inspire me, motivate me, and teach me. There is little better than great words that speak to my heart.
My passion is sharing what I have learned so that others will be open to living as they were meant to live—in joy, peace, and love.
My drive has always been to find the best way to live this life so that I could bring that to you and yours.
Then came this thing called the Montessori Method, and my life was forever changed.
This drive, fire, and passion drew me to this thing called "The Montessori Method." Why? Oh, because, like you, I held that first precious, beautiful infant in my arms, wept for pure joy, and felt a grip in my heart that said, "I will find the best for this child of my heart!"
The fire that was born in my heart that day led me to devour books, and in the course of events, I read "The Secret of Childhood" by Maria Montessori and determined that my children would have that because it was, simply and purely, the best. My driving passion was to do whatever it took for my sweet babies--and I have four! They are the pride and joy of my life. They have been the "wind beneath my wings;" to them, I owe all, and to that Higher Power, call it whatever you wish.
I found that what is best for me is what's also best for them. It took attending seminars, classes, lectures, reading book after blessed book, praying, and therapy--but, let me tell you, if you look, you will find it! Find what? Find what your heart most desires—joy, peace, happiness—and I am sure that is what you want most to share with your child. Through it all, Maria Montessori's teachings came through as a light, a beacon in the dark of the night. She speaks of everything I learned, in one way or another, if you understand what she writes. Experience and time bring that understanding of what this woman was saying; at least, it did to me and continues to.
I aim to impart light to the world where it can make a considerable difference for the child. I want to take your hand because we can do more together than alone. I opened this school with the desire to share with you, the parents, the joy of giving your child the best possible beginning and to give to you the best of the tools that have come to me in building a life filled with the richness of close family units and great personal joy.
The best gift I can give to your child is a place of safety, a place of learning, a place of joy, and you! What I mean by you is this: children benefit the most from their home environment, and their home environment of the home can only be as bright and healthy as the parents responsible for it. So, it is to you that I extend my hand and say, "Come, and together, we shall create a place for the children."
I intend to work with you in this greatest of endeavors. And from my heart, I thank you for that privilege and honor if you choose to bestow that privilege upon me.
Sincerely and Warmly,
Ali Dances

I am passionate about the Montessori methodology because it enables children to develop cognitive skills through active and sensory learning. It promotes independence, self-esteem, and self-confidence in an environment of love, respect, and freedom, balanced with discipline. My educational background includes a BA in Finance and an associate degree in Child Education; furthermore, I am a certified Infant Massage Instructor, and I am completing a master's program in Montessori Education and Child Psychology.

love learning, and I love seeing students learn to love learning. I am using and learning the MONTESSORI method because I have found through teaching since 1996 that students grounded in concrete knowledge and practical reality are also the students whose imaginations soar to the greatest heights, and whose accomplishments impact the most people for good. I am now teaching at the beginning of each child’s learning arc.
Since my first anthropology class taught at Idaho State University in 1996 as a teaching assistant, I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching and learning to teach in ways that help every student. Whether it was teaching anthropology to college students, teaching archaeology methods in the field, teaching technology-in-the-classroom to preservice teachers, teaching English to Taiwanese students in Hsinchu, Taiwan, or teaching graduate & thesis writing to Masters-level students (also Taiwan), I have learned that students can really grow and shine when they realize their teacher is knowledgeable, dedicated to their academic and civil advancement, and always learning himself. I have since spent 8 years in Oakley, Idaho as a certified teacher teaching social studies (US Government, US History, Economics, Anthropology, Geography, and Study Skills) to High School and Junior High students. Having earned a Masters of Science (Anthropology/Archaeology) and a Doctorate (EdD Education), I had the ability to offer 18 credits of Dual Credit college credits through the College of Southern Idaho (POLS/HIST/ECON/ANTH).
As before, I love learning. It is now my mission to help younger students love learning and move all the way from pre-school through graduation and incorporation into the big, wide world as productive, creative, self-correcting adults. MONTESSORI provides a structured, ordered, safe environment that allows each child to explore at his or her own pace, and to develop the metacognitive skills that are needed to be productive, creative, and self-correcting (and happy).

As a college-educated mother of five, I have always valued family AND education. However, being independent-minded and curious, I kept myself open to and even sought out, different ideas and methods to help me in raising and teaching my children. When I realized public education was going in a direction that did not support family values and broader opportunities in learning (such as trades, apprenticeships, and entrepreneurship) I chose to homeschool my children. I see in MONTESSORI learning opportunities that are missing in public schools, that even excellent teachers in those settings cannot provide. I enjoy working with young children, and I am excited to have this opportunity to learn and teach the MONTESSORI method.